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Account management

Create a separate sub-account for each of your customers. This will ensure a clean separation of customer data. For example, if you work for a trade show company, you can create a subaccount for each trade show. In addition, you can create multiple users with different permissions for each account, such as administrators and editors.

To create an account, click on 'New account'. Enter the desired user data. The user with the e-mail address entered here automatically becomes the account administrator as the 1st user of the account. He has all permissions in this account. By setting a check mark at 'Generate demo data', sample data will be created in the account, which will make it easier for your customer to familiarize himself with the program.

Basic settings

On this tab you will find the following settings:

  • Account type: If you give the user a 'final account', he is a user who has rights according to his user role and can work with it. At the same time, however, you can also set up further 'client systems', i.e. further subsystems. This in turn can be used to create sub-accounts.
  • Account status: A 'Test' account can test all functions with the exception of dispatch. In the 'Normal' status, sending is also possible.
  • Period: Enter a date here if the account access should end on this specific date.
  • Agend (email address) (optional)
  • Description (optional)
  • Hint (optional): Can be used for important information about the account. When this field is filled in, a hint icon will appear in the account overview.

Advanced settings

In the 'Customization' section you will find the following settings:

  • Redirect domain: By default, all internal links in mailings, landing pages, registration forms, etc. use the ACID21 own domain in the link URL. However, if the links in the recipient's mailbox are to be displayed with the customer's own domain, this can be solved using a redirect domain. To do this, your customer sets up a subdomain on his server that redirects to one of our IPs. Please ask our support colleagues for the IP to be entered.

The setup of the redirect domain in your account is done by our support. Optionally, you can enter several redirect domains and set one of them as default. This way you give your users the possibility to choose the desired redirect domain at every single email, landing page, survey as well as at the login/logout setup, profile manager setup and referral setup. Whether a user gets this choice is controlled by the Administration/Setup Rights -> Redirect Domain user role right.

  • Login domain if you want to specify your own domain for your customers instead of

  • Docu domain if you want to customize the logo and colors of the general 'ACID21' documentation according to your wishes (whitelabeling)

  • Mailername should you not want ACID21 to be specified as X-mailer in the source code of all mailings and 'depending on the program' a ACID21 logo appears under the sender name).

  • Custom colours: In this input field you can define which colors should be available for selection when editing your newsletter content. If no values are entered, the default color palette will be displayed. If only certain colors are to be available for selection instead, enter the desired color values in hexadecimal notation as a comma-separated list.

    Example of a simple color palette with 16 standard colors (please do not use spaces or #):


    You can specify as many colors as you want. The order in the color palette corresponds to the order in the input field. By limiting the colors that can be selected, you make it easier to keep your newsletters uniform in color.

Customer data

Here you enter all data about the customer, such as customer number, location, contact details, etc.


Here you assign account permissions for individual ACID21 functions. Note that you can only make those functions available to the accounts that you have booked yourself.


Here you determine contractually relevant details, such as the duration of a billing period and all costs and traffic limits.


Here you set the username and password for the account admin. You can then create additional users for this account.

For created accounts, the editing icons 'edit', 'delete', 'move' and 'open folder' are available. Via 'edit' you make changes to the account, and 'delete' removes it. Use 'move' to move the account to a subfolder and 'open folder' to open this subfolder.

Via the quick link 'Login' you have quick access to each sub-account as a client system admin.